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4 Ways L-Carnitine Can Support Goals of Muscle, Strength, and Fat Loss

Everyone is looking for that extra edge when it comes to their health and fitness goals. This doesn't just apply to athletes. Think about it: How would you like to burn more body fat? How about recovering quicker after a tough workout? With goals like this, it's no wonder the supplement industry has become the giant it is.


While there are plenty of 'all talk' supplements, L-Carnitine has the scientific backing to warrant a closer look. Let's take a look at the 4 ways L-Carnitine may be able to boost muscle, strength, and fat loss.


  1. Amplifies Fat Burning

Fat burning is L-Carnitine's most popular benefit, which is the reason you find it in so many supplements. Taken at an appropriate dose, L-Carnitine may be able to seriously amplify fat burning in your body. How's that possible?


L-Carnitine, an amino acid, directly supports the transport of fat into the mitochondria of cells. Once inside the mitochondria, the fat is used for energy.


  1. Give Yourself a Brain Boost

One of the less well known benefits of L-Carnitine is its ability to enhance cognitive function including perceived energy levels, mood, and cognitive performance. How's that possible?


First, studies suggest that L-Carnitine is able to promote the removal of toxins that have built up over time in the body. Second, L-Carnitine may support the release of the brain chemicals noradrenaline and serotonin.


Noradrenaline, more commonly referred to as norepinephrine, stimulates the central nervous system and raises blood pressure. The result is a big boost in focus and alertness.


Serotonin is that 'feel good' chemical in the brain that alleviates symptoms of depress and anxiety.


  1. Enhance Recovery

Who enjoys being so sore the day after a workout that they can't walk? Not many people.


When you want to boost your recovery post-workout, L-Carnitine may be able to help you do it. Studies suggest that supplementing with L-Carnitine may help promote the anabolic environment needed for heightened recovery. This is especially true for muscle building and strength gains.


  1. Target Belly Fat

The 'pooch' or 'beer belly' may be a punchline but its health consequences are anything but funny.


Visceral fat, or belly fat, is a sign of a larger health problem waiting to happen. Those with excess belly fat have been shown to have more cardiovascular health problems than those without.


Lucky for you, L-Carnitine is here to help. Studies suggest that L-Carnitine supplementation may be able to support belly fat loss. Sure, this will improve your physique but, more importantly, it will improve your cardiovascular health.



  1. Brandsch C, Eder K. Effect of L-carnitine on weight loss and body composition of rats fed a hypocaloric diet. Ann Nutr Metab. 2002;46(5):205-10.


  1. Malek Mahdavi A, Mahdavi R, Kolahi S. Effects of l-Carnitine Supplementation on Serum Inflammatory Factors and Matrix Metalloproteinase Enzymes in Females with Knee Osteoarthritis: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Pilot Study. J Am Coll Nutr. 2016 Sep-Oct;35(7):597-603. Epub 2016 Mar 2.


  1. Smeland OB, Meisingset TW, Borges K, Sonnewald U. Chronic acetyl-L-carnitine alters brain energy metabolism and increases noradrenaline and serotonin content in healthy mice. Neurochem Int. 2012 Jul;61(1):100-7. doi: 10.1016/j.neuint.2012.04.008. Epub 2012 Apr 23.


  1. Kang JS, Lee WK, Lee CW, Yoon WK, Kim N, Park SK, Lee HS, Park HK, Han SB, Yun J, Lee K, Lee KH, Park SK, Kim HM. Improvement of high-fat diet-induced obesity by a mixture of red grape extract, soy isoflavone and L-carnitine: implications in cardiovascular and non-alcoholic fatty liver diseases. Food Chem Toxicol. 2011 Sep;49(9):2453-8. doi: 10.1016/j.fct.2011.06.071. Epub 2011 Jul 2.
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