Tag Archives: strength
No Benefit to Athletes from Greater Protein Intake
Athletes who practice strength or power sports are known to have a greater need for protein than endurance athletes or the general public. -
Gene Therapy Can Improve Muscle Mass and Strength
New research has come closer to safe and effective stimulation of muscle growth and strength as a result of gene therapy. -
Using a Squat Suit to Improve your Squat
Powerlifting is one of the most popular strength sports. However, no clear research shows if performance enhancing equipment used by powerlifters is effective. -
Does Age Affect Muscle Strength in Young Adults?
This study was conducted to determine what association age has with muscle mass and increasing strength in a group of young adults before and after 12 weeks of progressive resistance training. -
The Importance of Rest for Strength and Power Development
Although there are many athletes today who think of themselves as indefatigable as Superman, there is actually no athlete today that can continue to perform optimally without giving their bodies the proper rest that is needed.