Tag Archives: casein

  • Micellar Casein: Everything You Need to Know

    When it comes to supplements, protein powder should sit at the very top of your list.

    See, if your goal relates to building muscle, developing strength, and getting the most out of your training, making sure that your protein intake is sufficient is absolutely integral.

    In short, if you are not providing your body with enough protein to repair and rebuild after training, then you are leaving gains on the table -- and when it comes to protein supplements, micellar casein is a great option.

    What is Casein?

    Casein is a particular type of protein that is derived from dairy milk.

    Casein in its entirety is considered to be a “complete protein” source, which means that it provides your body with a full array of essential amino acids (i.e. the building blocks of your cells), rather than just one or two.

    Now, dairy milk has various components, including water, lactose, vitamins and minerals, and finally, some very distinct proteins -- one of which is casein.

    The kicker is that casein is found in the solid part of the milk, which makes it difficult to obtain -- unless we are making cheese.

    When cheese is made, it starts off as dairy milk, before undergoing a number of unique production processes. During these processes, the liquid component of the milk is separated from the solid to make it thicker. And then finally, the thickest curds are fully extracted to ensure it does not go lumpy.

    While these curds were once considered to be a useless by-product of cheese production, they are now washed and dried to create casein protein powder.

    What is Micellar Casein?

    Something that is worth addressing is the fact that once casein is extracted from the milk it can be turned into one of three types of casein based protein powders.

    The first is Calcium caseinate.

    You can think of this as pure casein. It is very simply the protein extracted from the solid portion of milk (i.e. the curds), which then gets purified before being sold as a supplement.

    Because it has undergone minimal processing, it is not all that well absorbed. Subsequently, it is considered to be the lowest quality form of casein supplement, and is more commonly used as a food ingredient.

    Second on the list we have Micellar casein.

    Micellar Casein undergoes an extensive purification process, making it the most well absorbed type of casein protein available. Interestingly, because it is derived from curds, micellar casein actually clumps a little in the stomach.

    While this may not sound like a good thing, it is very beneficial because it allows the protein content of the powder to be released gradually into your muscle tissue over the course of six to  seven hours.

    It is this slow rate of digestion that arguably makes casein such a desirable supplement. Taking micellar casein before bed can keep muscle protein synthesis high over the duration of the night, leading to better recovery and growth.

    If you are after a “pure” casein supplement, then micellar casein is the perfect choice.

    Last on the list we have milk protein powder.

    Milk protein is a unique type of protein powder that actually contains both casein and whey protein (a different type of dairy-based protein powder).

    With this in mind, it is composed of about 80 percent casein, and 20 percent whey. The addition of whey makes milk protein faster digesting that micellar casein -- which means it might make a slightly better option post workout.

    Nutritional Information of Micellar Casein

    As with most protein powders, micellar casein is full of protein (duh), while also containing very small amounts of fats and carbohydrates. While the precise breakdown of these differs slightly between brands, you can guarantee that they will be more similar than they are different.

    For example, the Amino Z micellar casein contains 81.5 grams of protein, 5 grams of carbohydrates, and 1.3 grams of fat, per 100 grams of protein powder.

    All of which suggests that a single serving of micellar casein will give you a potent dose of amino acids that your body can use to make gains.

    The Benefits of Micellar Casein

    As I have already alluded to, taking a micellar casein supplement on a regular basis can offer a number of significant benefits.

    1.   Improved Muscle Growth

    Arguably the biggest positive associated with micellar casein supplementation relates to its ability to increase protein intake, and consequently improve muscle growth.

    A recently published meta-analysis combined the results of 49 individual studies and found that the minimal protein intake required to maximise muscle growth is about 1.6 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight, per day [1].

    And please note that I said this was the minimum amount to optimise muscle growth.

    Further research has indicated that going as high as 2.2 grams per kilogram of body weight may have additional benefits [2] -- especially for people who are actively trying to maintain as much muscle as possible while maximising fat loss.

    This means that if you weigh 80kgs, you should be eating somewhere between 128 and 176 grams of protein each day.

    As a result, consuming micellar casein can have an immediate impact on your rate of muscle growth by ensuring you are reaching your daily protein targets.

    2.   Better Recovery

    This point builds upon the previous one in a fairly logical manner.

    Protein is essential for the repair of damaged muscle tissue. While this has obvious implications for muscle growth, it also facilitates recovery after training.

    Importantly, because micellar casein is absorbed slowly into the body, it provides a steady stream of amino acids into the bloodstream that can be used for muscle recovery. As a result, it makes it the perfect option to speed up recovery between training sessions.

    Over the long term this can have huge implications for your progress, because it ensures that all of your training sessions are completed at a high intensity, and not impacted negatively by fatigue.

    3.   Reduced Risk of Disease and Illness

    Our last benefit is a little bit unique -- but that does not make it any less important.

    Micellar casein contains several unique compounds that can have some huge benefits with respect to your general health and function.

    Casein is full to the brim of unique bioactive peptides that have been shown to improve immune system function and digestive system health [3]. This will not only improve your ability to absorb the nutrients in the food you eat, but is also likely to stop you getting sick -- which is a great way to keep training consistently year round.

    Moreover, some of these compounds have also been shown to lower blood pressure, which has a very positive impact on your cardiovascular health [4].

    While this may not sound that important when it comes to making gains, it does suggest that micellar casein could have some significant benefits on keeping you disease free -- which is the key to making progress well into your eighties.

    So, if you are interested in both maximising progress and optimising health, this is your answer.

    Closing Comments

    Casein is a unique type of protein that has some seriously positive benefits when it comes to maximising muscle growth, enhancing post exercise recovery, and even improving immune system function and cardiovascular health.

    And micellar casein is hands down the most effective type of casein protein supplement -- so if you want to take your results to the next level, look no further.




    1. Morton, Robert W., et al. "A systematic review, meta-analysis and meta-regression of the effect of protein supplementation on resistance training-induced gains in muscle mass and strength in healthy adults." British journal of sports medicine 52.6 (2018): 376-384.
    2. Stokes, Tanner, et al. "Recent perspectives regarding the role of dietary protein for the promotion of muscle hypertrophy with resistance exercise training." Nutrients 10.2 (2018): 180.
    3. Mohanty, D. P., et al. "Milk derived bioactive peptides and their impact on human health–A review." Saudi journal of biological sciences 23.5 (2016): 577-583.
    4. Fekete, Ágnes A., D. Ian Givens, and Julie A. Lovegrove. "Casein-derived lactotripeptides reduce systolic and diastolic blood pressure in a meta-analysis of randomised clinical trials." Nutrients 7.1 (2015): 659-681.
  • Casein vs. Whey: Is One Better than the Other?

    If there is one supplement that you simply cannot go without, it is protein powder.

    While it won't get you jacked up like a pre-workout, or increase your strength and power like creatine, it does provide your body with everything it needs to build new muscle tissue -- which makes it integral for athletes and weekend warriors alike.

    However, you can't just buy a simple “protein powder” and be done with it.

    See, there are several different types of protein powder that are all suggested to have their own unique pros and cons -- of which two of the most common are “casein” and “whey”.

    But what's the difference between these two options, and more importantly, is one better than the other?

    Casein and Whey Protein

    While they do have some key differences, the first thing I want to point out is that casein and whey protein also share some major similarities.

    Firstly, they are both derived from dairy milk. Secondly, they are both considered to be “complete protein” sources, which means that they provide your body with a full array of essential amino acids (i.e. the building blocks of your cells), rather than just a couple.

    So, how are they made?

    Dairy milk is made up of a number of different components. These include water, sugar (or lactose), several vitamins and minerals, and finally two very unique proteins -- which are obviously casein and whey protein.

    To keep it simple, casein is found within the solid part of milk, while whey is found in the liquid part.

    And how do we actually get the protein powder out of the milk?

    Well, it all comes down to cheese...

    When cheese is made, it starts off as dairy milk, before undergoing a number of unique production processes. During processing, the liquid component of the milk is separated from the solid to make it thicker, and then the thickest curds are fully extracted to stop it going lumpy.

    These curds are then washed and dried to create casein protein powder, while the watery component is filtered to extract the whey (which is also dried into a protein powder).

    Now, as I mentioned above, while they are indeed very similar, they also have some notable differences that influence when you might choose to take them.

    Casein vs. Whey: Nutritional Information

    The first major difference between casein and whey relates to their nutrient breakdown.

    Because casein is naturally thicker, it undergoes a less stringent filtration process than whey. This means that it typically contains a little less protein per gram than whey, in addition to a little more carbohydrate and fat.

    For example, the Amino Z micellar casein contains 81.5 grams of protein, 5 grams of carbohydrates, and 1.3 grams of fat, per 100 grams of protein powder.

    This is in stark contrast to the Amino Z whey protein isolate, which contains a whopping 90 grams of protein per 100 grams, for only 1.2 grams of carbohydrate and 1 gram of fat.

    This also means that casein contains more total calories than whey, which could influence your choice if you were in a cutting phase.

    Now, it is important to note that this doesn't have a huge impact when we are looking at the typical 30-40 gram serving size of most protein powders, but it does still need to be considered.

    Casein VS. Whey: Absorption

    Arguably the biggest difference between casein and whey protein powder is that they are absorbed at different rates after consumption.

    Like any protein source, both casein and whey are broken down into thousands of tiny little compounds called amino acids after consumption. These amino acids are then absorbed into your bloodstream, shuttled around your body, before eventually being used to create new tissue.

    But the rate at which this occurs is very different between casein and whey [1].

    Interestingly, when casein enters your digestive tract it interacts with your stomach acid to form curds. These curds are quite thick and clumpy, and subsequently take quite some time to break down and absorb.

    As a result, after consuming casein, you will slowly absorb amino acids for up to the next five hours.

    On the other hand we have whey.

    Because whey is much more refined than casein, it is broken down rapidly in your intestine, before being absorbed extremely quickly. In fact, it will only take about 90 minutes for all of the amino acids from whey to be absorbed and shuttled around your body.

    Which probably gives you a bit of insight into what type might be better when it comes to post-workout nutrition...

    Casein vs. Whey: Post workout nutrition

    Because whey protein is absorbed so quickly, it stands to reason that it is going to a better choice immediately post-workout -- but this is not the only reason.

    Whey protein also contains a higher number of branched chain amino acids than casein [1]. Branched chain amino acids are a group of three specific amino acids that play a primary role in the production of new muscle tissue.

    In fact, despite only being three of them (there are a total of 10 amino acids), they comprise about 35% of all the muscle tissue in your body -- which makes them pretty important for muscle growth.

    Therefore, because of these two distinct factors, whey has been shown to increase muscle protein synthesis (the production of new muscle tissue in your body) to a greater extent than casein [2].

    This means that it is more likely to contribute to muscle growth after exercise is completed.

    Casein vs. Whey: Night time nutrition

    Post workout nutrition is obviously important, but when it comes to optimizing muscle growth, your total daily protein intake is arguably the most important factor. Within this, you also want to make sure that you are evenly distributing your protein throughout the day [3].

    This keeps a constant stream of amino acids trickling into your body, ensuring that muscle protein stimulus is maximised throughout the day.

    With this in mind, consuming casein before bed is a great way to optimise muscle protein synthesis throughout the night's duration. While this is not the most important factor to eliciting muscle growth, it is an important step that can make a notable difference over time.

    This would suggest that despite not being optimal post workout, casein offers a unique benefit that whey cannot provide.

    Casein vs. Whey: Additional Benefits

    Lastly, both Casein and Whey contain several unique compounds that can have additional benefits to your general health and function.

    For starters, casein is full of unique bioactive peptides that have been shown to improve immune system function and digestive system health [4]. Within this, they also appear to help lower blood pressure, suggesting benefits to your cardiovascular health [5]

    On the other hand, whey protein contains several interesting proteins known as “immunoglobulins”.

    These immunoglobulins have been shown to have potent antimicrobial properties, in which they can kill off harmful bacteria and viruses. Consequently, they can boost your immune system function and make you less prone to illness [6].

    When considering each of these factors, it is not really a case of one being better than the other. Instead, it is simply acknowledging that both of these protein sources offer some unique benefits that sit outside the realm of muscle growth -- and therefore may both have a place in your supplement regime.

    Final Point

    And the winner is… BOTH.

    When it comes to casein and whey, they both have pros and cons that makes their use very context dependent.

    Whey is absorbed much faster than casein, where it also promotes a greater spike in muscle protein synthesis. This makes it a much better source of protein for your post-workout shakes. On the other hand, because of its slow digestion, casein is a great option to take before bed so you can keep protein synthesis high throughout the night.

    So, if you want to maximize your results, it might be worth opting for both.



    1. Dangin, Martial, et al. "Influence of the protein digestion rate on protein turnover in young and elderly subjects." The Journal of nutrition 132.10 (2002): 3228S-3233S.
    2. West, Daniel WD, et al. "Rapid aminoacidemia enhances myofibrillar protein synthesis and anabolic intramuscular signaling responses after resistance exercise–." The American journal of clinical nutrition 94.3 (2011): 795-803.
    3. Stokes, Tanner, et al. "Recent perspectives regarding the role of dietary protein for the promotion of muscle hypertrophy with resistance exercise training." Nutrients 10.2 (2018): 180.
    4. Mohanty, D. P., et al. "Milk derived bioactive peptides and their impact on human health–A review." Saudi journal of biological sciences 23.5 (2016): 577-583.
    5. Fekete, Ágnes A., D. Ian Givens, and Julie A. Lovegrove. "Casein-derived lactotripeptides reduce systolic and diastolic blood pressure in a meta-analysis of randomised clinical trials." Nutrients 7.1 (2015): 659-681.
    6. Ng, Tzi Bun, et al. "Antiviral activities of whey proteins." Applied microbiology and biotechnology 99.17 (2015): 6997-7008.
  • Top 3 Ingredients You Must Use for Muscle Mass

    Have you been pushing yourself in the gym to gain muscle without success?

    Is your dietary program lacking in proven supplements to support muscle?

    Ready to arm yourself with three scientifically-backed ingredients for muscle mass?


    Successful supplementation can feel like a game of chance. When you want to build muscle mass, you need to give your body every advantage you can. That's where scientifically proven supplement ingredients can help.


    Let's review the top 3 ingredients you must use for muscle mass. We'll even show you how you can make your own supplement.


    Whey Isolate

    First and foremost, when you want to build serious muscle mass, you NEED protein. Why? Protein breaks down into amino acids, which are the building blocks of muscle tissue. Not only do amino acids help to build lean muscle tissue but they also protect the muscle you already have.


    Whey isolate is a unique type of protein in that it is filtered to the point where it is 99% protein. What's more, it is the most bioavailable type of protein. This is important as the higher the rate of bioavailability, the better your body can absorb and assimilate the protein. (1-4)


    Whey isolate is fast digesting with a bioavailability of 101 out of 100! This makes it ideal for a post-workout supplement when your muscles require immediate amino acids.



    Whey isolate isn't the only protein you should consider using. While whey isolate is ideal for a post-workout meal, it is rapidly digested, meaning your body gets a giant shot of amino acids all at once and that's it.


    When you want to build muscle, you need to ensure that your body is in a steady state of anabolism. The way to do that is with protein-focused whole foods and a slow digesting protein supplement. The way to do this is with casein protein.


    Casein protein is a very slow digesting protein that releases a steady stream of amino acids. One unique feature of amino acids is that they may be able to trigger protein synthesis and promote a higher level of anabolism. Due to the steady stream of amino acids, your muscles will be in an ideal environment to grow. What's more, casein protein may help protect you from protein catabolism, or breakdown.



    Last but not least, we have creatine monohydrate. Creatine has long been used in the bodybuilding world to ensure maximum muscle growth.


    Once ingested, creatine provides the muscle tissue with its preferred source of fuel in the form of adenosine triphosphate. Creatine monohydrate is known for being quick to absorb and extremely bioavailable.


    Once creatine gets to work in the body, it may be able to boost your performance during your workouts. That may mean extra repetitions and sets. This additional workload may help push your muscles into the ideal range for hypertrophy. Creatine may also be able to support your recovery post-workout.



    Tired of not being able to find a supplement that has what YOU need?

    Finished with wasting money on supplements that are under-dosed?

    Why not create your own supplement?


    Now you can with the Amino Z Supplement Builder. With this revolutionary supplement builder, you control what goes into the supplement down to the dosage. If you're a beginner and you're not sure what you'd like to include, we're here to help. We have a variety of pre-made supplements that feature scientifically verifided AND dosed ingredients for your specific goal.


    Check out the Amino Z Supplement Builder now to get started!



    1. Tsutsumi R, Tsutsumi YM. Peptides and proteins in whey and their benefits for human health. Austin J Nutri Food Sci 2014;1(1): 1002.
    1. Phillips, S. M., and L. J. Van. "Dietary Protein for Athletes: From Requirements to Optimum Adaptation." Journal of Sports Sciences. U.S. National Library of Medicine, 2011. Web.
    1. Blomstrand E, Eliasson J, Karlsson HK, Köhnke R. Branched-chain amino acids activate key enzymes in protein synthesis after physical exercise. J Nutr. 2006 Jan; 136(1 Suppl):269S-73S.
    1. Negro M, Giardina S, Marzani B, Marzatico F. Branched-chain amino acid supplementation does not enhance athletic performance but affects muscle recovery and the immune system. J Sports Med Phys Fitness. 2008 Sep;48(3):347-51.
    1. Res PT, Groen B, Pennings B, Beelen M, Wallis GA, Gijsen AP, Senden JM, VAN Loon LJ. Protein ingestion before sleep improves postexercise overnight recovery. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2012 Aug;44(8):1560-9. doi: 10.1249/MSS.0b013e31824cc363.
    1. Kreider RB. Effects of creatine supplementation on performance and training adaptations. Mol Cell Biochem. 2003 Feb;244(1-2):89-94.
    2. Robert Cooper, Fernando Naclerio, Judith Allgrove, and Alfonso Jimenez. Creatine supplementation with specific view to exercise/sports performance: an update. J Int Soc Sports Nutr. 2012; 9: 33. Published online 2012 Jul 20. doi:  10.1186/1550-2783-9-33.
  • Optimum Nutrition Casein vs Dymatize Casein

    Although whey protein is still the most popular and purchased supplement on the market, casein protein has received a lot of attention in the recent years. As a muscle builder, casein protein is an essential part of any resistance training workout. Studies show that the amino acids found in casein protein help to support muscle building and recovery, especially when taken before bed. (1-7) Let's take a look at two of the best brands in the business to see which one is worth the buy.


    Optimum Nutrition Casein

    Where can I buy it?

    • Here's where you can buy Optimum Nutrition Casein.


    Pros of Optimum Nutrition Casein

    Optimum Nutrition keeps it simple with its casein protein. Right away you'll notice on the label that the first ingredient is Micellar Casein. Companies wanted to create an effective and affordable substitute to native casein, which is the best casein protein in the industry. The result was micellar casein protein. It's able to be ingested and once in the stomach, it is slowly digested, providing a steady stream of amino acids over the course of hours.


    Optimum Nutrition delivers 24 grams of micellar casein and that is an excellent dosage per serving as most studies have subjects using serving size of 20 to 30 grams of protein. These amino acids may be able to help support your fitness goals in regards to muscle building and recovery time. (1-7)


    Optimum Nutrition also provides you with Aminogen, which may allow protein to be broken down and utilized more efficiently.


    Cons of Optimum Nutrition Casein

    There isn't much that you can say against Optimum Nutrition's Casein. Yes, it does contain artificial sweeteners and there is a bit of soy lecithin but at the price point you're getting it, you can't go wrong.


    Optimum Nutrition also contains polydextrose, which is a fiber substitute. Depending on your lifestyle and how you feel regarding this filler, Optimum Nutrition Casein may not be your first choice.


    Dymatize Casein

    Where can I buy it?

    • Here's where you can buy Dymatize Casein.


    Pros of Dymatize Casein

    Dymatize Casein has nearly the same formula as Optimum Nutrition with the exception of the Aminogen, which may support protein digestibility. You're getting 25 grams of casein protein with each serving and as we mentioned above, this is the sweet spot for study-based dosages. Although Dymatize Casein doesn't have the trademarked Aminogen, it does contain three digestive enzymes to promote the proper digestion of the protein.


    The one area where Dymatize really sets itself apart from Optimum Nutrition is in taste. User reviews show that all of the flavours in the Casein line-up are fantastic and fan favourites.


    Cons of Dymatize Casein

     Like Optimum Nutrition, Dymatize has several artificial sweeteners and fillers. Again, this is more of a dietary and lifestyle restriction than it is a hit against the product.


    Instead of polydextrose, Dymatize Casein contains maltodextrin, which is touted as a carbohydrate substitute. Again, this is going to be a preference thing on what you will allow yourself to consume.



    With nearly identical labels, user reviews, and testimonials, Optimum Nutrition Casein and Dymatize Casein are understandably two of the best in the industry. We thoroughly recommend both brands but since neither is superior to the other one, the decision to buy may simply come down to price. If one is one sale, grab it then wait for the other brand to fall in price. Both brands will satisfy your protein needs and help you achieve success.



    1. Tsutsumi R, Tsutsumi YM. Peptides and proteins in whey and their benefits for human health. Austin J Nutri Food Sci 2014;1(1): 1002
    1. Blomstrand E, Eliasson J, Karlsson HK, Köhnke R. Branched-chain amino acids activate key enzymes in protein synthesis after physical exercise. J Nutr. 2006 Jan;136(1 Suppl):269S-73S.
    1. Norton, Layne, Layman, Donald. Leucine Regulates Translation Initiation of Protein Synthesis in Skeletal Muscle after Exercise. J. Nutr. February 2006 vol. 136 no. 2 533S-537S.
    1. Negro M, Giardina S, Marzani B, Marzatico F. Branched-chain amino acid supplementation does not enhance athletic performance but affects muscle recovery and the immune system. J Sports Med Phys Fitness. 2008 Sep;48(3):347-51.
    1. Mourier A, Bigard AX, de Kerviler E, Roger B, Legrand H, Guezennec CY. Combined effects of caloric restriction and branched-chain amino acid supplementation on body composition and exercise performance in elite wrestlers. Int J Sports Med. 1997 Jan;18(1):47-55.
    1. De Lorenzo A, Petroni ML, Masala S, Melchiorri G, Pietrantuono M, Perriello G, Andreoli A. Effect of acute and chronic branched-chain amino acids on energy metabolism and muscle performance. Diabetes Nutr Metab. 2003 Oct-Dec;16(5-6):291-7.
    1. Res PT, Groen B, Pennings B, Beelen M, Wallis GA, Gijsen AP, Senden JM, VAN Loon LJ. Protein ingestion before sleep improves postexercise overnight recovery. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2012 Aug;44(8):1560-9. doi: 10.1249/MSS.0b013e31824cc363.


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