Running and Weight Loss

The flood of "get fit quick" schemes out there trying to fool you out of your money seems never ending. There are no miracle cures, no magic pills, and no quick fixes for weight loss. There are, however, methods that work. These methods sometimes can be difficult and time-consuming, but that's why they work: losing weight successfully can in fact be difficult and time-consuming. Running is one of the most effective ways to lose weight, if you can stick with it and if it's appropriate for you and your body.

Moderate exercise effort will lead to moderate results. If you only perform cardio exercises a couple of times a week for a short period of time, you'll gain some health benefits but weight loss is unlikely to happen. More and more research shows that a little bit of exercise is good for our bodies but is useless for weight loss. If you want exercise to work for you, you've got to do some serious cardio activity, for some serious hours during the week. At least five hours is necessary, if you don't want to cut back significantly on kilojoules in your diet. Running also has proven benefits in terms of heart health, blood pressure reduction, cholesterol level moderation and, yes, weight loss.

Running is so good because most cardio activities don't burn as many calories as running. The ones that do are not very practical, such as cross-country skiing. Running is easy, portable, effective, and time-efficient. Good shoes do cost money these days, but other than the shoes, you don't need any other gear or a gym membership or a treadmill. What you need is motivation to stick with the program over time, and watch the results come in. "I don't have time to exercise" becomes hard to defend with an activity that is so flexible and adaptable to your schedule that you can do it whenever you find yourself sitting instead of moving.

Many people are concerned about running because they worry about stress on their body. If you have chronic knee problems, it is true that running is probably not the best exercise for you. Consult with a personal trainer if you aren't sure. If your knees and the rest of you are generally healthy, there is no reason you can't start a running program for weight loss. Here's how.

Keep in mind that running may take some time to get used to and get addicted to. Most people who stick with it, however, find they get very attached to their workouts and are loathe to skip a run because it feels so good. So hang in there as you get started. Developing a love for running is based on positive reinforcement and improving your self-efficacy.

Positive Reinforcement

We generally try to avoid unpleasant experiences and move towards pleasurable ones. To make running as pleasant as possible from the outset, here are some suggestions:

  • Find a pretty or scenic place to run such as a park, lake, or other natural setting.
  • Take it easy as you get started. You can alternate walking with running and gradually increase the running time and shorten the walking time. However, make sure your heart rate is raised significantly for at least 30 minutes each time you run.
  • Run outside when the weather is decent, move indoors when it's too cold.
  • Run with a friend who is at a similar fitness level.
  • Keep track of your runs in a journal. You'll love seeing your progress.
  • Don't obsess about immediate weight loss. It will take time, but it will happen if you are consistent.



Self-efficacy is a kind of self-confidence. In order to feel more self-confident about your running ability, it is important to do some research, do some planning, prepare for running, and then execute your plan. Instead of just heading out the door with your old tennis shoes, get ready. Buy some good running shoes because you will feel much better physically and reduce your chance of injury. Talk with the salesperson about your purchase to be sure you spend wisely. Get yourself some nice running clothes that make you feel good to wear. Take a careful look at your schedule and plan the times you will commit to running. Enlist your family and friends in supporting your new schedule. If you like to run with music, start downloading your favorite tunes for the road.

Once you've gotten started running, consider participating in some short races such as 5k runs. You might even register for a race when you start, and plan that in a couple of months you'll be able to participate. Finishing those runs can be one of the most powerful enhancers of self-efficacy you can find. Before long, you'll not only see results in terms of weight loss, you'll find you'll be enjoying yourself, which is the best possible outcome of any exercise programme.

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