I'm undertaking a 12 week challenge and some friends criticise me for taking it so seriously! It is very discouraging!

I can completely understand where you're coming from as I have had this happen to me, both during my BodyBlitz challenge and ever since then.  Personally I love training and I love eating well in order to promote my progress in the gym...I absolutely love the whole lifestyle.  But other's (well, some other's) will be anything but supportive in your endeavours.

Some people respect my decisions...others cannot fathom why I make the choices that I make. I just tell myself...so what? Yes it's annoying, but it's something you need to live with. Don't allow yourself to tie up any of your own self worth into their acceptance. You should be proud of the choices you make and know that those choices are what makes you an individual. Honestly...who wants to be the same as everyone else?

In my experiences, if you look at it from the other side of the fence, the people that criticise you are the people that are too lazy to get off their butts and make a positive change in their own lifestyle. These are the people who would rather take the easy road by criticise you for your great choices rather than criticise themselves for their own poor choices!

Here's a quote that I love from Dr Phil McGraw: "Winners do the things that losers don't want to do!".

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