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I want to do the BodyBlitz Challenge but I am really lacking a support group. Since high school the weight has piled on - how can I get through this emotionally?

A 12 week challenge can be tough, particularly without an external support group.  You will most likely endure high's and low's as your lifestyle goes topsy-turvey...but it is of so much benefit to have other's providing encouragement and advice throughout the challenge.  Unfortunately not everyone will support you in your endeavours (as I experienced first hand myself), so I really feel that a support group is a vital factor in determining your success.

If you're unable to find family or friends who will undertake the challenge with you, hop on our discussion forum.  During my challenge, I found a forum to be of excellent encouragement - particularly when you are discussing matters that everyone on the forum can relate to.

Also, consider a personal trainer.  A 1on1 personal trainer is a great idea if you can find someone local who you feel comfortable with.  Alternatively, online personal training can be just as effective.  A personal trainer will provide you with direction, motivation, inspiration and knowledge - all key ingredients in getting through the 12 weeks successfully.

I hope this is of help and all the best of luck with your goals!

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